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Wesnoth Units database

Ölüm Silahşörü


Sometimes the mightiest warriors and generals, cursed with hate and angst, came back to this world as Death Knights. Death Squires serve them whilst accruing enough unholy power to become Death Knights. In the process they pick up a good deal of the Knight’s power, including the ability to command underlings.

Özel Bilgiler: Bu birimin liderlik vasfı çevresindeki alt seviyeden dost birimlerin saldırı sırasında daha etkili vurmasını sağlar.


Şundan terfi eder:
Şuna terfi eder: Ölüm Şövalyesi
Bedel: 36
YP: 66
Hareket: 5
TP: 144
Level: 2
Hizalama: kaypak
IDDeath Squire
Yetenekler: liderlik

Saldırılar (damage - count)

8 - 4


(icon) kesme10% (icon) delme30%
(icon) darbe-10% (icon) ateş-20%
(icon) soğuk60% (icon) gizemli-50%


Hareket Bedeli
(icon) Bataklık230%
(icon) Dağlar360%
(icon) Deep Water310%
(icon) Kale160%
(icon) Kar230%
(icon) Kayalık Sahil230%
(icon) Kum230%
(icon) Köy160%
(icon) Mantar Korusu260%
(icon) Mağara240%
(icon) Orman250%
(icon) Sığ Su220%
(icon) Tepeler250%
(icon) Yürünmez-0%
(icon) Çayır140%